You may think that it is just a harmless drink or two at the end of the day to help you relax. it’s just a few drinks when you get together with friends. or it’s just that you need to get rid of the office stress. We all need to catch a break sometimes, which makes our favorite brand of drink our best friend. Trouble starts when ‘a drink or two’ moves to a level where you can’t hold the drink anymore. It affects your ability to think straight and take decisions that you may regret in retrospect.

Alcoholism not only has serious health consequences but also can ruin your life and relationships.

Don’t tread down the path of self-destruction, or this is what you’ll find

1. Conflict :

It is not a coincidence that fights are common when one or both partners are caught up with alcohol abuse. It is said that if there is too much alcohol in your system, it hampers with your ability to make rational decisions. It allows you to become inconsiderate about others, and give more importance to your addiction over their requirements. It, to an extent, numbs you to what others feel and makes you drink even more.

2. Financial loss :

Alcohol costs money. And the more you spend to keep up with your addiction, the more money flows out of your monthly household expenses, monthly savings and retirement plans. And this money literally goes down the drain. Like any other addiction, once you start alcohol abuse, you need it every day. Drinking may go on to impact your ability to hold on to your job as no one will eventually want to hire someone who has alcohol on their breath at 9 am during client meetings. Alcohol is a strict restriction in certain professions where you may put other people at risk. At the very best, you’ll be left with a warning. At worst, you’ll lose your job and end up with no work and no money to support your addiction. At this condition, they will go the stress disorder.

3. Accident-prone :

In 2014, 9,967 people died in drunk driving crashes – one every 53 minutes. This may sound only like a statistic to you – until you speak to the families who lost their loved ones or have to see them suffer through the loss of limbs or brain function to bear lifelong suffering. And as far as you are concerned, you may end up seeing the wrong end of a prison. Such things have a profound impact on your relationship – many of which fail to last through the ordeal.

4. Infidelity :

 You’ve seen it a thousand times in movies – which actually might get reflected in reality, if you wake up next to someone whose name you don’t know.

5. Infertility :

 Alcohols and babies don’t mix. Too much alcohol intake can stop women from making and keeping a baby.

6. Divorce : 

An alcoholic husband or wife is a valid ground of mental trauma applicable in a divorce. The behavioral disorder is found on these people and they will try to suicide and other things.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions! The best psychiatrist is can give a better solution to avoiding this type of loss due to alcohols.

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